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Unsere neue Wordsgame-App

Our ultimate Learning-App is out ! Now you can improve your English - and your German - from within a mobile device !

Pick a dictionary of your choice and learn the English language with overall more than 3400 words at your disposal !

Challenge other users in a frantic duel and be proud to enter the hall of fames !

Feel the power and create yourself your own dictionary to practice with, using any word and any language you like !

What are you waiting for ? Grab it and be prepared to rule the world !

Link to the iPhone App : wordsgame for iOS

Link to the Android App: wordsgame for Android


Stand auf der Gewerbeschau Kronshagen 2016

Herzlichen Dank allen Besuchern an unserem Stand auf der Gewerbeschau Kronshagen 2016.

Es hat wieder riesig Spass mit euch gemacht!